About Me

NextDrop_Big-Ideas-2011-42_JPGI am currently a Research Scientist at the Aquaya Institute and am based in Nairobi, Kenya. I'm an engineer with a passion for studying water quality, reliability, and access in developing countries. 

I received my PhD from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, where I worked with Kara Nelson.

Recent Publications

Kumpel, E. and Nelson, K. L. (2014) Mechanisms affecting water quality in intermittent supply. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(5), 2766–2775. online

Kumpel, E. and Nelson, K. L. (2013) Comparing Microbial Water Quality in an Intermittent and Continuous Piped Water Supply. Water Research, 47(14), 5176–5188. online


You can reach me at emily (dot) kumpel (at) gmail (dot) com
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